I am pleased to present the President’s Report 2019-20 for North West Youth Accommodation Service (NWYAS). 2019-20 has been a challenging and very busy year for NWYAS staff and the work they do supporting young people.
The AGM Report outlines the achievements and challenging work that NWYAS provides in supporting young people experiencing homelessness or who are at risk. Our core activity is funded by Queensland Governments’ Department of Housing and Public Works under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness to manage 14 properties while at the same time providing specialised case-management support to tenants of the service. In this program a case-management framework aims to:
- Increase capacity and empower young people.
- Maintain and increase independence in their time with NWYAS.
- Support young people to understand their rights and responsibilities and the role of their choices in their situation.
2019-2020 has been a challenging year for us a team, with a number of very significant critical incidents relating to domestic violence and safety related issues that have had a huge effect on our young people and our staff. Our team have worked hard to manage the incidents and resolve them for the best possible outcomes for our young people.
NWYAS show great appreciation for the funding of the State Government and acknowledge the support and assistance of the Minister for the Housing and Public Works, and his Department. This gives us a sense of continuity and greatly helps us to plan and enrich our level and extent of services. NWYAS continues to apply for a whole range of small grants which allows us to offer our young people more opportunities and support as part of our program. For these I wish to acknowledge the Queensland Governments – Gambling Community Benefit Fund, the Queensland Governments – Dignity First Fund, Mark Furner MP for Ferny Grove and the Hills and District Chamber of Commerce.
I would like to mention the continued support of a host of local businesses. NWYAS relationship with the Hills and Districts Chamber of Commerce is a very important relationship with the wider business community.
During the year we held our largest fundraiser yet at Parliament House and I thank the Honourable Mark Furner Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries for arranging the use of the excellent facilities and of course, all those who made the event possible and successful.
NWYAS explored opportunities to expand the services we provide young people and continue to actively pursue this as part of our Strategic Plan. This year we were also able to extend our team through student placements as well as an admin volunteer and some extra tenancy hours. During the year we welcomed Craig into the team. We also said farewell to our valued and long-term staff member Sarah; after 7 and a half years with us.
Thank you to Nicole and team for all their hard work through this very challenging year. The commitment of the team shapes the quality and diversity of care and assistance we offer young people who come to NWYAS.