I have been involved with North West Youth Accommodation Service Inc. (NWYAS) since 1990. Each and every year since has seen significant achievements.
NWYAS Inc. accepts a housing first philosophy when dealing with homeless young people and those at risk of homelessness. However, research clearly shows the necessity for supported accommodation services as this is the most cost effective way of responding to youth homelessness.
The Staff and Management Committee have a passionate commitment to helping young people to navigate the difficult pathways to independent accommodation. The early ending of young people’s homelessness is essential to overcome the complex problems and trauma associated with long term homelessness.
It has been a pleasure to be involved with a Management Committee who has worked so collaboratively to support our Manager, Tanya, and her capable staff to achieve the excellent outcomes outlined in this report.
Finally, I would like to thank the Commonwealth and State Governments for their financial support and to welcome the decision by the Queensland Government to put housing and homeless services under one portfolio.
Specialist Homelessness Services are aware that the Hon. Minister, Tim Mander, is seeking the continuation of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness beyond the end of this financial year. Without funding provided by this program NWYAS Inc. could not maintain its current level of service.
Jim Fouras