NWYAS 2016-2017 Annual Report

NWYAS 2016-2017 Annual Report

Our Annual Reports are produced to provide information to members and other stakeholders about financial and service delivery activities of the organisation.

I am pleased to present the President’s Report for 2016-17 for North West Youth Accommodation Service (NWYAS).

2016-17 has been another year of achievement for North West Youth Accommodation Service (NWYAS) supporting young people. I am sure the Manager’s annual report and its focus on performance targets will speak for themselves in terms of NWYAS meetings its goals and levels of assistance for young ones.

Up front, let me place on record our appreciation for the funding and support of the State Government through The Hon. Michael de Brenni, Minister for the Housing and Public Works, and
his Department.

NWYAS’s core activity is funded under the National Partnership Agreement to manage some 13 properties while at the same time providing specialised case-management support to tenants of our
service. In this program a case-management framework aims to:

 increase capacity and empower young people
 maintain and increase independence in their time with NWYAS
 support young people to understand their rights and responsibilities and the role of their choices in their situation.

The other principal activity for NWYAS is a Mobile Support program which allows NWYAS to assist dozens of young people and young families to secure safe, long term housing in the community through share-houses, private rentals and student accommodation. We have previously received funding for this type of support service and I am thankful to the advocacy of staff and supporters to have secured this once more.

Let me also acknowledge other one-off funding grants from the Queensland Governments Dignity First Fund and the Lady Bowen Trust which provide us the opportunity to think creatively and design
one-off projects that can really enrich the lives of our tenants. The continued support of a host of local community businesses including our local state member Tim Mander MP is also very much

Another piece of news this year is that NWYAS moved office from 12 Blackwood Street to 3/47 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton. This new office provides staff and young people with more space,
including a courtyard area where staff can eat lunch and where children can play whilst their parents talk with a worker.

Staff get to enjoy windows that overlook blue skies and gardens – something which makes the office a healthier, happier place! A big thank you to everyone who supported NWYAS during this move.
As a small not-for-profit community organisation unexpected moves like this come at a great cost financially. A big thank you to staff who devoted days to packing and cleaning and setting up the new office space, you all went above and beyond the call of duty! Thank you to the staff at Des Alpes, who kept staff hydrated and awake with coffee and were so very patient with the renovations as we added all new data and phone caballing, security screens and air conditioning units to the new office space.


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